How to feed on Vacation
If you are planning to go on vacation and have someone care for your sugar gliders, the following is one way you can prepare their food in advance. This will ensure that your gliders are getting the proper amount and variety of foods you would normally offer.

Prepare a food dish for every cage you have. Include your staple diet, fruits and veggies. Adding your mealies into the food dish is optional. If your dishes have lids, place the lids on and place in the freezer. You can also label each dish with the cage name and/or the day.

If your dishes do not have lids, you can place the food from each dish into small Ziplock® bags.

If you have multiple cages, place a bag for each cage into a larger "day" bag. The caretaker can pull out one bag per day, then place the food into a dish then place into the cage. If your caretaker does not want to wash dishes, you can use a disposable dish, such as the plastic plates (for example) by Solo®.