Treats for your Sugar Glider
DISCLAIMER: The following information is based strictly on my personal opinions.
So often we hear that everything in moderation is fine for our sugar gliders. As a general rule, this is true; however, common sense also must be applied when using that phrase. Also, please keep in mind that phrase was meant to apply to the vegetables and fruits to provide variety within a diet plan, not a blanket statement for treats as its being used today.
Over the years I have seen where very few treats were acceptable to offer to today, where most anything is fair game. Unfortunately, I disagree.
Treats should be fed very sparingly. The type of treats that are offered should be of a nutritious nature. Simply because our pets are called Sugar Gliders does not mean every treat should be sugar based.
Remember that a treat is just that, a treat. It is not a part of their daily diet plan, nor should it be part of their daily life. I see so many horrible treats being offered, and more and more I am seeing pictures of severely obese sugar gliders. In my personal opinion, a large contribution of the obesity is the treats that are being offered.
So often, I see people ask, "Is "this" ok to give to my suggie?" Most times when I read that, the first thing that comes to my mind is "WHY?" Why do we feel the need to offer any and every human food and snack as a treat for our sugar gliders? Most of these things are not healthy for us, even in moderation. So why are we so insistent upon giving them to our sugar gliders?!?
Something that always makes me chuckle is when people ask about dehydrated fruits. They are told to be very careful, look at the ingredients because there is added sugar or preservatives in there. Then they proceed to suggest yoggies or marshmellows. Hmmm....really guys? Have you looked at the ingredients of those treats?
Don't forget to pay attention to the quantity and frequency you are offering treats. One small yoggie is a handful for a sugar glider. That's more than what they need, yet we feel the need to give them 2, 3, 4 or more at a time; and sometimes they get that amount on a daily basis. That is like eating an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting, and eating a bag per day! Put what you are giving them into perspective and evaluate what they get. You may soon realize why your gliders are becoming "fluffy".
I recently read a post on a group where someone had fed Pop Rocks candy as a treat to their sugar glider. Naturally, people got very irritated with this choice. I commented that "we" had to see this coming eventually. After all, we preach "anything in moderation" is fine. Well, that is exactly what that owner did. Was the sugar glider fine? As far as we know yes. Was that a good idea to offer as a treat? In my opinion, absolutely not! Then again, I shudder when I hear/see people giving marshmallows too.
We, as glider owners, need to apply common sense to what we are giving our pets. We can make choices as to what we eat, but they only get what we offer. Think of their health and their well being when offering treats. Start offering fruits (that is enough sugar in itself), veggies, mealies, and pine nuts (to name a few) as treats. Those are much healthier options. And trust me, your glider will not love you any less if they don't get those nasty sugar-filled, unhealthy treats! I am not telling you to stop giving treats, or stop the type of treats you feed, they are your sugar gliders and it is your responsibility to make the decisions you feel are best for them. All I ask is that you really think about what you are offering them and make the best decisions you can. Remember, quality, quantity, and frequency!
No different than the obesity problem we see in our children today, we are creating the same issues with our sugar gliders.
Over the years I have seen where very few treats were acceptable to offer to today, where most anything is fair game. Unfortunately, I disagree.
Treats should be fed very sparingly. The type of treats that are offered should be of a nutritious nature. Simply because our pets are called Sugar Gliders does not mean every treat should be sugar based.
Remember that a treat is just that, a treat. It is not a part of their daily diet plan, nor should it be part of their daily life. I see so many horrible treats being offered, and more and more I am seeing pictures of severely obese sugar gliders. In my personal opinion, a large contribution of the obesity is the treats that are being offered.
So often, I see people ask, "Is "this" ok to give to my suggie?" Most times when I read that, the first thing that comes to my mind is "WHY?" Why do we feel the need to offer any and every human food and snack as a treat for our sugar gliders? Most of these things are not healthy for us, even in moderation. So why are we so insistent upon giving them to our sugar gliders?!?
Something that always makes me chuckle is when people ask about dehydrated fruits. They are told to be very careful, look at the ingredients because there is added sugar or preservatives in there. Then they proceed to suggest yoggies or marshmellows. Hmmm....really guys? Have you looked at the ingredients of those treats?
Don't forget to pay attention to the quantity and frequency you are offering treats. One small yoggie is a handful for a sugar glider. That's more than what they need, yet we feel the need to give them 2, 3, 4 or more at a time; and sometimes they get that amount on a daily basis. That is like eating an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting, and eating a bag per day! Put what you are giving them into perspective and evaluate what they get. You may soon realize why your gliders are becoming "fluffy".
I recently read a post on a group where someone had fed Pop Rocks candy as a treat to their sugar glider. Naturally, people got very irritated with this choice. I commented that "we" had to see this coming eventually. After all, we preach "anything in moderation" is fine. Well, that is exactly what that owner did. Was the sugar glider fine? As far as we know yes. Was that a good idea to offer as a treat? In my opinion, absolutely not! Then again, I shudder when I hear/see people giving marshmallows too.
We, as glider owners, need to apply common sense to what we are giving our pets. We can make choices as to what we eat, but they only get what we offer. Think of their health and their well being when offering treats. Start offering fruits (that is enough sugar in itself), veggies, mealies, and pine nuts (to name a few) as treats. Those are much healthier options. And trust me, your glider will not love you any less if they don't get those nasty sugar-filled, unhealthy treats! I am not telling you to stop giving treats, or stop the type of treats you feed, they are your sugar gliders and it is your responsibility to make the decisions you feel are best for them. All I ask is that you really think about what you are offering them and make the best decisions you can. Remember, quality, quantity, and frequency!
No different than the obesity problem we see in our children today, we are creating the same issues with our sugar gliders.